Writer's Blogck
It happens to the best of us (haha...cliche writing too).
The most feared affliction when writing on a timeline: WRITER'S BLOCK
dun dun duhhhhhh.....
If you are suffering from this bug or if you want a challenge - write a scene that consists any of the following:
1. your first kiss
2. your most embarrassing high school moment
3. your first love
4. an acquaintance that has really bad breath
5. (eeeekk...I'm starting to experience WB as I write this)
6. Addiction (food, alcohol, drug, sex, nicotine, internet)
7. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
8. Internet Dating
9. a scandalous affair in your office
10. incest
11. Your favourite pet
12. customer service
13. hidden treasures in an attic
14. a first date
15. pet peeve(s)
16. slumber party
17. night at the cottage
18. ghosts
19. magic
20. adoption
21. food poisoning
22. finding out you or your girlfriend is pregnant
23. deja vu
24. someone leading a double life
25. dancing for a living
26. visiting a nursing home
27. prank calls
28. deception
There you have it folks - 28 possibilities on Oct. 28, 2006 - there are an infinite number of scenes that we can create with the list above..
Happy, Crappy, Sappy Writing.
C :)
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